Text Rewriting: How Can a Business Save on New Materials?

Rewrite text is gaining more popularity. The rewrite is at least 80% of the total mass of content. Search engines regard rewriting text as newly made.

Therefore, the text prepared for projects is increasingly being rewritten rather than scribed “on a blank sheet.”

Copywriting studios propose text rewriting services much cheaper than copywriting. If writing a new text in June 2021 is estimated at $4-5 per 1,000 characters, its rewriting will be, at most, $2-3 for the same amount. This suggests that business projects can significantly reduce their budget.

What Makes the Savings?

Text rewriting is cheaper due to its minimized creation time. Savings are due to already done material, which is adjusted to the new essentials of SEO strategy. That is, it is not created “from scratch” but modernized.

If the new text requires the study of the material, rewriting takes place without it. The text is ready; you simply need to change it.

An additional advantage is the reduction of time to prepare the task. If a new text requires a detailed TOR, rewriting is performed only based on changes to the project.

When Rewriting Is Needed?

Business projects require the growth and the introduction of new technologies and ideas. It is unprofitable to create something new, rejecting everything old. Therefore, new methods are used where the old ones do not work.

Market conditions are changing, and competitors may seize a segment in which they did not exist before. Search queries do not return your site to the top positions. And the target audience has expanded and changed. Here the question of modernization of a site under new conditions regarding new requirements arises.

Content rewriting is needed when:

  • need to raise search engine rankings for key queries;
  • attract a new target audience;
  • change the content marketing strategy;
  • consider changes in the conditions of site’s search engine optimization;
  • consider the expansion of the range;
  • update content after redesign;
  • add multilingualism.

That is, in the case of changes to the site, there is no need to create new content. It is enough to edit the old to the new requirements.

What Business Receives From Rewriting?

After rewriting texts, the site will provide content, considering all the innovations. At the same time, we guarantee the preservation of the stylistic presentation and informativeness of the text. The presented material will retain the uniqueness of the old information but will be new. Search queries will provide high positions in the search results and attract new customers.

The low cost of services will free up money for additional work on your project. And a reduced order fulfillment time guarantees a fast return on investment.

Text rewriting services are provided by DriveFoxCopy studio, which has experience in creating texts on various topics. The studio specialists will rewrite your content quickly, considering all your ideas and innovations.


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